2016年04月11日 16:05

NU’EST、主演映画『Their Distance』が全世界200ヶ国以上で配信中!①

NU’ESTの主演映画『Their Distance』 (日本語版タイトル『知らない、ふたり』)が、全世界200ヶ国以上で配信中!

K-POPボーイズブループNU’EST(ニューイースト)が主演を務めた日本劇場公開映画『Their Distance』が、3月15日より全世界配信がスタートした。そして同時に映画主題歌のNU’EST「Cherry English ver.」の全世界配信中!

お互いの想いを”知らない”7人の男女のすれ違いの群像劇を、新世代の恋愛映画監督・今泉力哉が描いた『知らない、ふたり』。昨年2015å¹´10月の東京国際映画祭、そして2016å¹´1月9日から公開スタートした本作品は、今泉力哉監督の最高傑作の呼び声も高く、絶賛の口コミが各地に広がり、地方劇場での公開、都内でも再上映が続くなど、ロングランとなっている。その口コミは海外へも広がり、特に主演のレンらそのメンバーが本作品のメインキャストを務めている韓国アーティストNU’EST(ニューイースト Facebookフォロワー200万!デビューシングル「FACE」のMV、YouTube再生回数4600万回!)が北米、ヨーロッパ、東南アジア、南米等、世界を股にかけたライブ活動から海外ファンも多数抱えており、どうにか見る方法はないか?という問い合わせが製作会社に相次いでいた。そのリクエストに応えるべく、本作品の世界配信が決定となった。配信日はNU‘ESTの5年目の活動がスタートする節目となる韓国デビュー日の3月15日(火)。世界を網羅しているiTunes、Google Play、App Store・Google Play上で販売される映画オリジナルアプリ、VIMEOのプラットフォームを介して本編が世界中で視聴可能となる(英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語での字幕対応/日本及びプラットフォームごとに一部国を除く)。またこれに合わせて、海外版ポスタービジュアルも解禁された。

更に、映画のサウンドトラック、映画パンフレットの英訳電子版の世界配信もスタートし、NU’ESTによる映画主題歌の英語詞バージョン「Cherry English ver.」の日本を含む全世界配信も同日より開始される。また国内でも、劇場にて引き続き上映が決定している。


The film starring the K-POP boy band, NU’EST has been released in over 200 countries in the world!
The film released in Japanese theaters, “Their Distance”, starring the K-POP boy group, NU’EST has been globally digital-distributed from 15th March 2016. And the theme song of the film by NU’EST, “Cherry English ver.” has also been distributed at the same time.
The new generation film director Rikiya Imaizumi who specializes in romantic dramas directed the film, “Their Distance”, describing seven men and women who don’t know each other’s feelings at the crossroads of romance.
In October 2015, the film was officially premiered at the Tokyo International Film Festival, and then released in movie theaters from 9th January 2016. The film has been much talked about as Imaizumi’s best masterpiece, and the great admiration of it has been spreading all over Japan by word of mouth. The popularity of the film has seen it have extended rerun in Tokyo as well as being released in the provincial theaters.
The rave over the film has spread overseas too. Ren, who played the leading part as well as the other members of the K- POP group, NU’EST (Have about 2 million followers on their Facebook page! Their debut single, ”FACE” music video has been played 46 million times on You Tube!), gained huge amounts of fans in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, South America by their world wide live tour, the filmmaker has been getting inquiries one after another from their enthusiastic fans is asking any ways to watch the film overseas. To met their expectations, a world wide release has been decided on.
The digital-ditribution release date of the film is Tuesday 15th March which is the day NU’EST debut in South Korea coinciding with the start of their 5th year in their career.
The film can be purchased via iTunes, Google Play, YouTube and VIMEO. There is also a special film app packaged with behind-the-scene footages and stills (in addition to the film) which may be purchased through App Store and Google Play. (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese subtitles available / not for sale in Japan/ platforms differ between countries)
Together with this, the poster for the international version has been released.
Moreover, the original soundtrack, the digital movie booklet in English and the theme song, “Cherry English ver.” by NU’EST will be digital-distributed to the whole world and includes Japan on the same day.
The film will be showed continuously at movie theaters in Japan.
At the start of the world wide distribution, film director, Imaizumi and Ren of NU’EST have made comments as follows.



I am so happy to hear the news of the global distribution of the film.
I am looking forward to see how the audiences in overseas see the awkward sweetness and the various forms of love which is what this film about.
I guess the audiences may have some chuckles, and their body temperature may rise a little bit while watching.


I am extremely happy and honored that the film will be watched by our fans all over the world.
Since this is our first film, our thoughts are we could have done much better and that is a bit of a shame, but as an actor, Ren will be improving gradually, so please love me a lot!


2月に韓国にて4th Mini Album「Q is.」を発売し現在精力的に活動を行っているNU’EST。主演映画の世界配信開始は、全世界200万人のファンにとって待ちに待ったニュースとなる。今後ますますの活躍が期待される。
NU’EST has been released the 4th Mini Album “Q is.” in February, and they are working vigorously.
The global distribution of the film starring the NU’EST members is the long-awaited news for 2 million fans in whole world.
Their further success in the future would be expected.



Seven men and women at the crossroads of romance
South Korean youth Leon works as an apprentice shoe repairman, and avoids contact with other people. One afternoon, he comes across a feisty drunk woman named Suna sleeping on a park bench, and for some reason finds himself unable to forget her.
Kokaze, a young Japanese woman who works at the same store as Leon, is secretly attracted to him.
Sang-soo visits the store to have Suna's broken shoes mended. He attends a Japanese language school with Suna's boyfriend, Ji-woo.
Ji-woo harbors a secret crush on his Japanese teacher Kanako, who is in a relationship with a wheelchair-bound man named Arakawa. It just so happens that the accident that left him disabled was witnessed by Leon.
The emotions of this group of seven men and women become increasingly entangled, and when each of them takes a step forward, their lives begin to tumble in unexpected directions.

レン 青柳文子 韓英恵 ミンヒョン JR 芹澤興人 木南晴夏

エグゼクティブプロデューサー 杉原晃史 中野秀紀 藤原俊輔 プロデューサー 紀 嘉久 YAN SONJU ラインプロデューサー 飯塚信弘
撮影 岩永 洋 美術 飯森則裕 録音 根本飛鳥 音響効果 大塚智子 スタイリスト 関 敏明 ヘアメイク 寺沢ルミ 助監督 平波 亘 制作担当 大谷 弘
音楽 アルプ (オリジナルサウンドトラック SELECTIVE RECORDS) 主題歌「Cherry」NU’EST (アリオラジャパン)
製作 日活 ソネットエンタテインメント アリオラジャパン 制作プロダクション ジャンゴフィルム 制作協力 日活調布撮影所
配給 CAMDEN 日活 宣伝 CAMDEN 2015/日本/106分/カラー/ビスタ/3ch ©2015 NIKKATSU, So-net Entertainment, Ariola Japan

Written and Directed by RIKIYA IMAIZUMI “I Catch a Terrible Cat”
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shiranai.jp/?ref=hl

Cinematographer HIROSHI IWANAGA, Production Designer NORIHIRO IIMORI, Sound Mixer ASUKA NEMOTO, Sound Effects TOMOKO OTSUKA, Costume Designer TOSHIAKI SEKI, Hair & Make-Up RUMI TERASAWA, 1st Assistant Director WATARU HIRANAMI, Production Manager HIROSHI OTANI
Music alp (Original Sound Track by SELECTIVE RECORDS), Theme Song “Cherry” by NU’EST (Ariola Japan)
Presented by NIKKATSU, So-net Entertainment, Ariola Japan, Production DJANGO FILM, In Association with NIKKATSU CHOFU STUDIO
Distribution CAMDEN, NIKKATSU, Publicity CAMDEN
2015/Japan/106min/Color/Vista/3ch ©2015 NIKKATSU, So-net Entertainment, Ariola Japan




待望のJapan 1st.アルバム「Bridge the World」デイリー4位、ウィークリー7位獲得。
2016年1月、メンバー主演映画「Their Distance」日本全国にて公開。
2月、韓国にて4th Mini Album「Q is.」を発売。

[Profile of NU’EST]
Their South Korean debut was in March 2012.
About 2 million “Likes” on their Facebook page.
They have a huge fans not only in Asia, but in Europe, Central America and South America, and they have been active world widely.
The second single in Japan, “NA.NA.NA.Namida”
made 5th in the daily chart and 7th in the weekly chart.
The long-awaited first album, “Bridge the World” made 4th in the daily chart and 7th in the weekly chart.
From January 2016, “Their Distance”, the film starring the NU’EST members has been showing in Japan.
In February, the 4th Mini Album “Q is.” was released in South Korea.

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